
Afiq Lutfi lah !

Powerful Dreams Inspire Powerful Action. When you can taste, smell, and touch your dream, you can enroll the world ^^. Afiq lutfi ;D , AIRCRAFT ENGINEER wanna be :)

  Tuesday, January 22, 2013 ; blog yang semakin sepi

Well, entah kenapa aku lama tak update blog ni, busy mungkin or takut teringat dark memories :D alhamdulillah, sekarang aku dekat MIAT sudah masuk sem 2. Best but a little bit busy, furthermore maybe because i join JPK . hehe. JPK gave me a lot of experience that i never had done before. It will useful someday, maybe :) But i'm so happy what i'm doing right now. Tak sabar nak habes belajar then nak dapatkan license, kerja  pastu pastu buat si dia happy:) hopefully, all my dream will success with flying colors. Amin...

Aircraft Engineer wanna be! :)
in shaa allah :)
