
Afiq Lutfi lah !

Powerful Dreams Inspire Powerful Action. When you can taste, smell, and touch your dream, you can enroll the world ^^. Afiq lutfi ;D , AIRCRAFT ENGINEER wanna be :)

  Saturday, October 16, 2010 ; Huh ? What's That ? ;)

That's is library !

Weyy ! Exam dah dekat . Study pung blom ag .
Buku  g cuti mne tah = =''

Hri ni (16 january 2010)Boron kantoi buat date ngan pa'ah .
haha . *kat cp .
tyme tu dorg otw g McD .
Naseb tyme tu aku tak bwk camera .
kalu bwak . hah !
pic tu lme dh aku upload kt lam
Facebook !

Berbalik pde cte asal .
kepada bebudak pandai .
Bagi tips bole dak , cmne nak study
dgn berkesann ;)
tolong yea .
